Job hunting at your class reunion!

We recently read an article that made a lot of sense for someone trying to decide whether or not to go to a class reunion, particularly if networking would help you right now. Networking to find a job, that is. And we know there are lots of folks in that situation. So, as improbably as it sounds, job hunting is a perfectly valid reason to go to your class reunion!

These ideas are extracted and summarized from an article in the Detroit Free Press by Patricia Montmurri with Sally Schmall of the University of Michigan School of Social Work.

Bring business cards.
Employed or not, business cards ensure people have your contact info...just in case they know of jobs available.

Pitch yourself in two minutes or less.
Describe what you do, what you want to do, where you've worked and highlight your skills.

Ditch the old clique.
Take advantage of the room full of knowledge and opportunity from people you least expect.

Stay in touch.
Make a contact list and stay in touch.

Offer to help others.
Ask old classmates how you can help them.

Watch your drinking.
'nuf said.

1 comment:

  1. The Value of Values

    An individual’s values are established in childhood and serve as filters when determining right from wrong throughout the person’s life. In today’s society, the process of establishing values within children is given little concern. People place greater emphasis on day to day activities and personal ambitions, than they do on the establishment of values within their children. By default, parents are teaching their children that values such as integrity, respect for life, courage of conviction, a purposeful life and generosity, are secondary to making a living.

    In truth, there is nothing preventing us from being true to good and meaningful values, nor is anything preventing us from teaching our values to our children. It is a matter of priorities; a matter of choice.

    In the “The Value of Values” you will learn why a transition to a more values-conscious society is important. You will learn exactly what is needed from each individual and the activities that will sustain the drive. “The Value of Values” is a must read for every parent that is concerned about our society and the challenges our children will be facing.

    We have three possible choices:
    1) Do nothing different than that which we have been doing. Complacently accept things as they are and will be.
    2) Hope that someone else will make the needed changes within our society, despite the fact it has yet to be done, and no one displays the integrity needed to influence an entire society.
    3) Accept our personal responsibility to our children. Accept that real change is not passed down from leaders, but rather, it is driven up from the people. Accept the fact that we each have within us the ability and incentive to make things different for our children and grand children.

    The choice we make today will determine the society of tomorrow.
