20 Job-Hunting Tips for the 'Older' Worker
Let’s face it, when 50-something workers get laid off, it is harder for them to find new jobs. If this is you, it may be time to consider these tips:
1. Expand to new industries and fields. Think: transferable skills.
2. Get on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and any social media pertinent to your field.
3. Don’t turn up your nose at internships.
4. Ditto for entry-level positions.
5. If you’re still wearing “big” glasses, please get yourself a pair of stylish frames.
6. Same for clothes. They should fit well, flatter your figure, and be up to date.
7. You don’t need to dye your hair, but consider a hipper style and cut.
8. Lose weight, workout, get fit -- exude energy.
9. Update your skill set.
10. Consider relocating.
11. Consider offering to work hours that younger workers with families won’t/can’t work.
12. Remember your selling points: great work ethic, breadth of experience, stability.
13. Resume tip: You don’t have to list every job you’ve ever had, just the last 15 years or so.
14. Resume tip: You don’t have to include the year you graduated from college.
15. Resume tip: Learn how to format the document for online submission and scanning.
16. Interview tip: Avoid discussing subjects that date you (e.g., the Vietnam War, Watergate).
17. Interview tip: Demonstrate flexibility and openmindedness.
18. Interview tip: The hiring manager may be younger than you. Don’t treat him or her like a kid.
19. You may be angry at having to hunt for a job. Don’t show it.
20. Some companies actually prefer older workers. Find them. Good luck!
Info provided by Karen Burns, US Money Magazine
1. Expand to new industries and fields. Think: transferable skills.
2. Get on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and any social media pertinent to your field.
3. Don’t turn up your nose at internships.
4. Ditto for entry-level positions.
5. If you’re still wearing “big” glasses, please get yourself a pair of stylish frames.
6. Same for clothes. They should fit well, flatter your figure, and be up to date.
7. You don’t need to dye your hair, but consider a hipper style and cut.
8. Lose weight, workout, get fit -- exude energy.
9. Update your skill set.
10. Consider relocating.
11. Consider offering to work hours that younger workers with families won’t/can’t work.
12. Remember your selling points: great work ethic, breadth of experience, stability.
13. Resume tip: You don’t have to list every job you’ve ever had, just the last 15 years or so.
14. Resume tip: You don’t have to include the year you graduated from college.
15. Resume tip: Learn how to format the document for online submission and scanning.
16. Interview tip: Avoid discussing subjects that date you (e.g., the Vietnam War, Watergate).
17. Interview tip: Demonstrate flexibility and openmindedness.
18. Interview tip: The hiring manager may be younger than you. Don’t treat him or her like a kid.
19. You may be angry at having to hunt for a job. Don’t show it.
20. Some companies actually prefer older workers. Find them. Good luck!
Info provided by Karen Burns, US Money Magazine
The 10 Most Effective Ways to Find A Job
1) Be patient!According to Richard Bolles in “What Color is Your Parachute”, the average job search averages 2-6 months.•Get ready for 6 months of hard work, rejection, insecurity, and maybe even depression. Keep calm and remind yourself that if you keep trying hard, you will eventually get the job you want.
2) Discipline yourself! Job hunting is a job in itself. The average job hunter in America only spends about 5 hours a week looking for a job. Treat job hunting like a serious job in itself and give it your full work discipline. Carefully plan out how you will use your time and stick to your schedule.
3) Don't wait for the job to come to you -- GO GET IT! Research has shown that answering newspaper ads, using agencies, using school recruiting offices, sending resumes are some of the least effective ways to get a job. Going to a company and talking to people (especially the boss) is one of the most effective ways to get a job.
4) Pack your schedule!The average job hunter only visits a few companies per week. The average job hunter may visit 10 – 70 companies before getting a job. It’s a numbers game: the more people you see, the sooner you will get the job you want.
5) Where's the growth? Knowing the job market means knowing who is hiring. Often large companies hire in huge bursts of expansion (and downsize the same way as well). Small companies hire smaller numbers, but over 95% of all companies in America are small.
6) Network, Network, Network!Let the world know that you are available for work. Discuss with family, friends, teachers, neighbors, lovers, strangers,… everyone! Don’t ask people for jobs directly; ask for their help and advice. Build a network digitally as well as verbally and use email, fax, and Web sites to help connect you to your “helpers”.
7) Visit the Institutions!Extend your network to the larger society. Visit your old school, meet with the president and deans if you can, talk with your teachers, and get advise from your counselors and advisors. Stop by City Hall, the Library, the Post Office, even the local Fire Department if you can. All these social institutions see it as their job to help society and to do all they can to network with you.
8) Hit the Books, Again!Keep your professional skills sharp while job hunting. Attend professional conferences, seminars, lectures, and groups. Network with your peers! Take part in professional organizations and especially online discussion groups. Develop a portfolio of your best work for all the interviews you will receive from your job hunting efforts.
9) Be Flexible about What Job You Will Take!Keep this in mind. Those people who are more flexible about the job they will take will increase their chances of getting a job. Often a job is not exactly what you are looking for, but it might still be a very good job for you for other reasons. Perhaps you may gain a great deal of valuable work experience from this job. Perhaps it will allow you to network with other professionals. Perhaps it will give you more opportunities to learn and grow within this company. Be flexible about what you will take, and you may find more opportunities within that job.
10) Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket.Be diverse. Be a “Jack-of-all-trades”. Education is a way of life. If you need to go back to school for a certificate or degree that will open the door to the career you really want, then you might want to consider that. Keep your career plans flexible so that you have a chance to grow in several directions and not in just one.
2) Discipline yourself! Job hunting is a job in itself. The average job hunter in America only spends about 5 hours a week looking for a job. Treat job hunting like a serious job in itself and give it your full work discipline. Carefully plan out how you will use your time and stick to your schedule.
3) Don't wait for the job to come to you -- GO GET IT! Research has shown that answering newspaper ads, using agencies, using school recruiting offices, sending resumes are some of the least effective ways to get a job. Going to a company and talking to people (especially the boss) is one of the most effective ways to get a job.
4) Pack your schedule!The average job hunter only visits a few companies per week. The average job hunter may visit 10 – 70 companies before getting a job. It’s a numbers game: the more people you see, the sooner you will get the job you want.
5) Where's the growth? Knowing the job market means knowing who is hiring. Often large companies hire in huge bursts of expansion (and downsize the same way as well). Small companies hire smaller numbers, but over 95% of all companies in America are small.
6) Network, Network, Network!Let the world know that you are available for work. Discuss with family, friends, teachers, neighbors, lovers, strangers,… everyone! Don’t ask people for jobs directly; ask for their help and advice. Build a network digitally as well as verbally and use email, fax, and Web sites to help connect you to your “helpers”.
7) Visit the Institutions!Extend your network to the larger society. Visit your old school, meet with the president and deans if you can, talk with your teachers, and get advise from your counselors and advisors. Stop by City Hall, the Library, the Post Office, even the local Fire Department if you can. All these social institutions see it as their job to help society and to do all they can to network with you.
8) Hit the Books, Again!Keep your professional skills sharp while job hunting. Attend professional conferences, seminars, lectures, and groups. Network with your peers! Take part in professional organizations and especially online discussion groups. Develop a portfolio of your best work for all the interviews you will receive from your job hunting efforts.
9) Be Flexible about What Job You Will Take!Keep this in mind. Those people who are more flexible about the job they will take will increase their chances of getting a job. Often a job is not exactly what you are looking for, but it might still be a very good job for you for other reasons. Perhaps you may gain a great deal of valuable work experience from this job. Perhaps it will allow you to network with other professionals. Perhaps it will give you more opportunities to learn and grow within this company. Be flexible about what you will take, and you may find more opportunities within that job.
10) Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket.Be diverse. Be a “Jack-of-all-trades”. Education is a way of life. If you need to go back to school for a certificate or degree that will open the door to the career you really want, then you might want to consider that. Keep your career plans flexible so that you have a chance to grow in several directions and not in just one.
Help Stop Domestic Violence "Act Like A Lady Plus Size Fashion Show"
Join us for an evening of elegance, fashion and pure fun.
Act Like A Lady Plus Size Fashion Show
January 30, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
724 Montana Street Unit P Charlotte, NC 28216
Tickets $10.00 in Advance $15.00 at the door..
For More Information contact
GeKeysha Murphy 704-756-7415
Shelia Murphy 704-712-3353
Amanda Sherman 704-502-0312
Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Shows start promply at 6:00 p.m.
****Proceeds going towards various Domestic Violence Programs and Services*****
Act Like A Lady Plus Size Fashion Show
January 30, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
724 Montana Street Unit P Charlotte, NC 28216
Tickets $10.00 in Advance $15.00 at the door..
For More Information contact
GeKeysha Murphy 704-756-7415
Shelia Murphy 704-712-3353
Amanda Sherman 704-502-0312
Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Shows start promply at 6:00 p.m.
****Proceeds going towards various Domestic Violence Programs and Services*****
Got Project Managers
Project Managers here in Charlotte at are major financial clients: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, TIAA-Cref, and GMAC/Ally Bank. I don’t have any specific details but I am looking for very strong, technical project managers for a variety of contract positions.
Below are some of the skill sets I’m looking for:
Technical Project Managers with data warehousing
Technical Project Managers with prior experience working at Bank of America
Technical Project Managers with eCommerce / web development experience
Technical Project Managers with Wealth / Investments / Brokerage
Contact Person:
800.380.5473 T 704.357.4487
F 704.357.4490 M 410.299.2797
Below are some of the skill sets I’m looking for:
Technical Project Managers with data warehousing
Technical Project Managers with prior experience working at Bank of America
Technical Project Managers with eCommerce / web development experience
Technical Project Managers with Wealth / Investments / Brokerage
Contact Person:
800.380.5473 T 704.357.4487
F 704.357.4490 M 410.299.2797
Job hunting at your class reunion!
We recently read an article that made a lot of sense for someone trying to decide whether or not to go to a class reunion, particularly if networking would help you right now. Networking to find a job, that is. And we know there are lots of folks in that situation. So, as improbably as it sounds, job hunting is a perfectly valid reason to go to your class reunion!
These ideas are extracted and summarized from an article in the Detroit Free Press by Patricia Montmurri with Sally Schmall of the University of Michigan School of Social Work.
Bring business cards.
Employed or not, business cards ensure people have your contact info...just in case they know of jobs available.
Pitch yourself in two minutes or less.
Describe what you do, what you want to do, where you've worked and highlight your skills.
Ditch the old clique.
Take advantage of the room full of knowledge and opportunity from people you least expect.
Stay in touch.
Make a contact list and stay in touch.
Offer to help others.
Ask old classmates how you can help them.
Watch your drinking.
'nuf said.
These ideas are extracted and summarized from an article in the Detroit Free Press by Patricia Montmurri with Sally Schmall of the University of Michigan School of Social Work.
Bring business cards.
Employed or not, business cards ensure people have your contact info...just in case they know of jobs available.
Pitch yourself in two minutes or less.
Describe what you do, what you want to do, where you've worked and highlight your skills.
Ditch the old clique.
Take advantage of the room full of knowledge and opportunity from people you least expect.
Stay in touch.
Make a contact list and stay in touch.
Offer to help others.
Ask old classmates how you can help them.
Watch your drinking.
'nuf said.
10 Tips for Holiday Networking
1. IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES – Every holiday event you attend is an opportunity to meet new people. People are more inviting during the holidays and willing to share information. The more events you attend the greater your potential for developing new contacts.
2. QUALITY vs. QUANTITY - Know what you are looking for. The key is to identify quality prospects, not see how many business cards you can collect. Your best contact may not become a client but could provide you valuable alliances that will significantly grow your business.
3. MINGLE – Do not congregate with old friends or hang out at the buffet. Your goal is to meet NEW contacts.
4. LISTEN – You will learn more about people by listening than talking. Listening will provide you the keys to identify contacts and gain valuable information that will determine how you choose to develop a potential business relationship.
5. ASK QUESTIONS – This is always a key factor in networking. Asking the right questions will generate the information you need. Areas that generate networking potential are questions about their business, what services they provide, the biggest challenges they are facing and the best question of all is what would be a good referral for them. People are always interested in others who can benefit them.
6. REVISE YOUR PERSONAL INTRODUCTION – When asked what you do you have about six seconds to capture their attention and interest. Don’t use titles but instead state what you do and how it benefits people. For instance, stating you help people understand personal finance in this difficult economy would be an introduction for a financial advisor. Develop your own introduction with this in mind.
7. CARRY YOUR BUSINESS CARDS – This does not mean you pass out your business cards to everyone you meet. In fact, that would be a mistake. Be discriminate, only give your business card to someone that asks for it or someone that has stated they have a specific need that either you or someone you know can help them with. Use the back of your business card to write a brief note that serves as a reminder to them when they look at the card later.
8. GET CONTACT NUMBERS – It is critical to get contact information. Tell the individual you would like to follow-up with them and ask them for a business card. If they don’t have a card with them, ask them for their phone number or email address and write it on the back of one of your business cards.
9. DEVELOP A CONTACT LIST – Don’t wait to record the list of contacts you made at an event. Record all contact information and notes concerning the contact as soon as possible. Entering the information into your personal data base within 24 hrs is best.
10. FOLLOW-UP – Your networking efforts won’t reap maximum rewards unless you follow through on your initial meeting.
Information: The International Referral Network
2. QUALITY vs. QUANTITY - Know what you are looking for. The key is to identify quality prospects, not see how many business cards you can collect. Your best contact may not become a client but could provide you valuable alliances that will significantly grow your business.
3. MINGLE – Do not congregate with old friends or hang out at the buffet. Your goal is to meet NEW contacts.
4. LISTEN – You will learn more about people by listening than talking. Listening will provide you the keys to identify contacts and gain valuable information that will determine how you choose to develop a potential business relationship.
5. ASK QUESTIONS – This is always a key factor in networking. Asking the right questions will generate the information you need. Areas that generate networking potential are questions about their business, what services they provide, the biggest challenges they are facing and the best question of all is what would be a good referral for them. People are always interested in others who can benefit them.
6. REVISE YOUR PERSONAL INTRODUCTION – When asked what you do you have about six seconds to capture their attention and interest. Don’t use titles but instead state what you do and how it benefits people. For instance, stating you help people understand personal finance in this difficult economy would be an introduction for a financial advisor. Develop your own introduction with this in mind.
7. CARRY YOUR BUSINESS CARDS – This does not mean you pass out your business cards to everyone you meet. In fact, that would be a mistake. Be discriminate, only give your business card to someone that asks for it or someone that has stated they have a specific need that either you or someone you know can help them with. Use the back of your business card to write a brief note that serves as a reminder to them when they look at the card later.
8. GET CONTACT NUMBERS – It is critical to get contact information. Tell the individual you would like to follow-up with them and ask them for a business card. If they don’t have a card with them, ask them for their phone number or email address and write it on the back of one of your business cards.
9. DEVELOP A CONTACT LIST – Don’t wait to record the list of contacts you made at an event. Record all contact information and notes concerning the contact as soon as possible. Entering the information into your personal data base within 24 hrs is best.
10. FOLLOW-UP – Your networking efforts won’t reap maximum rewards unless you follow through on your initial meeting.
Information: The International Referral Network
Score Counseling
Monday November 23, 2009 from 10:00am - 2:00pm
Public Library of Charlotte - Mecklenberg County
310 N Tryon StCharlotte, North Carolina 28202 Get Directions SCORE provides free Individual Counseling Sessions to Business Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs at the Main Library every Tuesday and the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Appointments are recommended.
Public Library of Charlotte - Mecklenberg County
310 N Tryon StCharlotte, North Carolina 28202 Get Directions SCORE provides free Individual Counseling Sessions to Business Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs at the Main Library every Tuesday and the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Appointments are recommended.
Taste of Apex - Fall Fesitval
Sunday November 22, 2009 from 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Apex Martial Arts
8715 Sidney CircleCharlotte, North Carolina 28269 Get Directions Our 2nd Annual Fall Festival will feature a sample of foods prepared by professional and amatuers chefs from our families and students. Chef Gene Briggs of Blue Restaurant & Bar and Chef Tim Groody of Market Street Catering will good head to head. Pie eating contest, Santa, games and pony rides are all available. No fee to enter, some food samples involve a small cost others are free.
Apex Martial Arts
8715 Sidney CircleCharlotte, North Carolina 28269 Get Directions Our 2nd Annual Fall Festival will feature a sample of foods prepared by professional and amatuers chefs from our families and students. Chef Gene Briggs of Blue Restaurant & Bar and Chef Tim Groody of Market Street Catering will good head to head. Pie eating contest, Santa, games and pony rides are all available. No fee to enter, some food samples involve a small cost others are free.
A Barter Way To Grow -

Join the Charlotte Business Journal and Tony Holden, founder and CEO of Synergy StreetTRADE, as he presents A Barter Way to Grow. This free 90-minute seminar will show you how to use modern barter to find more customers, get more sales, save your cash and grow your profits.
Tony is a serial entrepreneur and thrives on working with and serving other entrepreneurs. He has been a principal in several highly successful entrepreneurial ventures including real estate development, residential and commercial mortgage brokerage, advertising an media, professional speaking, training and consulting and online commercial barter businesses. His corporate consulting clients have included Bank of America, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, CHASE, Countrywide Home Loans and many others; however he is quick to note that his real passion is working with grass roots entrepreneurial businesses.
Within the last three years he has successfully launched a Charlotte, NC-based marketplace community where entrepreneurs meet, exchange ideas and concepts and work in collaborative effort to build and proposer their businesses. This organization, SynergyStreet Executive Forum (formerly Cre8tive Synergy Group), became the incubator and genesis for the business model of SynergyStreetTRDADE.
Seminar : Friday, November 20, 2009 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Charlotte Business Journal
1100 S. Tryon St, Ste. 100
Charlotte, NC 28203
1100 S. Tryon St, Ste. 100
Charlotte, NC 28203
Charlotte Networking Group Event
You are cordially invited to an evening of Networking...
Exchange information about career or business opportunities and have fun doing it!
Presented By Empowering Today's Professionals (ETP) Network and Gala Affairs By AtUrBest
Host: Amanda Sherman, CEO of Gala Affairs By AtUrBest
Info: wedsaturbest@yahoo.com
Location Sponsor: Weeping Willow Fellowship Hall
Location: 2220 Milton Road, Charlotte, NC 28215
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Thursday, November 19, 2009 , 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
* If you are looking for a position, business opportunities or eager to keep your career alive and well by continually staying abreast of what's happening, this is the meeting for you!
What you will gain from participation at this meeting:
* Increased exposure to other successful professionals
* New and helpful knowledge
* Learn how ETP Network is helping many people land jobs and business opportunities quicker.
You will be most effective at networking if you are prepared with the following:
1) Your "30-second introduction" and how you are a "solution" to someone's problems -
"How Can I help you?"
2) Business Cards
Networking is o your career as breathing is to living: you won't make it without either!
Exchange information about career or business opportunities and have fun doing it!
Presented By Empowering Today's Professionals (ETP) Network and Gala Affairs By AtUrBest
Host: Amanda Sherman, CEO of Gala Affairs By AtUrBest
Info: wedsaturbest@yahoo.com
Location Sponsor: Weeping Willow Fellowship Hall
Location: 2220 Milton Road, Charlotte, NC 28215
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Thursday, November 19, 2009 , 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
* If you are looking for a position, business opportunities or eager to keep your career alive and well by continually staying abreast of what's happening, this is the meeting for you!
What you will gain from participation at this meeting:
* Increased exposure to other successful professionals
* New and helpful knowledge
* Learn how ETP Network is helping many people land jobs and business opportunities quicker.
You will be most effective at networking if you are prepared with the following:
1) Your "30-second introduction" and how you are a "solution" to someone's problems -
"How Can I help you?"
2) Business Cards
Networking is o your career as breathing is to living: you won't make it without either!
Charlotte Networking Group Has a Long Reach
The Charlotte Networking Group is part of a very large organization called Empowering Today's Professionals (ETP) Network. Visit www.etpnetwork.com to share our meeting locations with people in your network.
If you're visiting the New York/ New Jersey area, we have several FREE meetings each month you can attend to expand your sphere of influence. Click here for the ETP Network meeting calendar.
Some ETP Network locations:
New York, NY * Princeton, NJ * Oakland, NJ * Raleigh, NC * Jersey Shore, NJ * Philadelphia, PA * Scotch Plains, NJETP Network Hosts Don Gabor April 29, 2009
Click here to Register Now *Free Conference Call
In a job search?
Need new clients?
Keeping your options open?
As part of its successful
*free career management conference call series,
ETP Network hosts world known author & speaker
Don Gabor, discussing his newly released book
"How to Turn Small Talk Into BIG Deals"
April 29, 2009 - Session Starts Promptly at 9:00PM EST
Limited Lines for This *FREE Call - So Dial In Early
Limited Space Global Call - So Dial in Early
*Check with your phone carrier. There may be charges based on location time zone.Special Guest: Don Gabor, Author of
"How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends" and "Turn Small Talk into Big Deals"
About Don Gabor
Don trains executives, managers and staff on how to work more effectively with coworkers and clients. He is the author of the bestseller, How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends, (Fireside/Simon & Schuster) and ten other books and tapes on interpersonal communication skills.
Don has been writing books and offering communication programs since 1980. His clients include Korin Japanese Trading Corp. Marriott Hotels, Shearman & Sterling LLP, Standard & Poors, Time Inc., Viacom and many others.
Don was a spokesperson for Sprint and Frito-Lay, and is a frequent media guest with over 1000 print, radio and television placements, including "60 Minutes with Andy Rooney." The New Yorker called Don, "a gifted conversationalist." He has been a member of the National Speakers Association since 1991. He founded his company Conversation Arts Media in 1991.
Don trains executives, managers and staff on how to work more effectively with coworkers and clients. He is the author of the bestseller, How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends, (Fireside/Simon & Schuster) and ten other books and tapes on interpersonal communication skills.
Don has been writing books and offering communication programs since 1980. His clients include Korin Japanese Trading Corp. Marriott Hotels, Shearman & Sterling LLP, Standard & Poors, Time Inc., Viacom and many others.
Don was a spokesperson for Sprint and Frito-Lay, and is a frequent media guest with over 1000 print, radio and television placements, including "60 Minutes with Andy Rooney." The New Yorker called Don, "a gifted conversationalist." He has been a member of the National Speakers Association since 1991. He founded his company Conversation Arts Media in 1991.
ETP Network Community Connections:
Apologies. We can't always post here as often as we would like.
You can follow us @etpnetwork on Twitter. You can also join our Yahoo!! news group. We're also on Facebook and we have are own global community Social Network. Did I also mention we are on LinkedIn too. LinkedIn is where the big professional boys and girls play to make serious career and business connections.
ETP Network is a very "warm trusted" network to support you in accomplishing your goals. So come out of the cold. Dial in * Charge up * Get connected * free career management coaching every Wednesday at 9:00PM EST.
You can follow us @etpnetwork on Twitter. You can also join our Yahoo!! news group. We're also on Facebook and we have are own global community Social Network. Did I also mention we are on LinkedIn too. LinkedIn is where the big professional boys and girls play to make serious career and business connections.
ETP Network is a very "warm trusted" network to support you in accomplishing your goals. So come out of the cold. Dial in * Charge up * Get connected * free career management coaching every Wednesday at 9:00PM EST.
job advisor,
job search,
resume tips,
Get More Job Interviews Quicker
If you really want to get excited about Mondays, this toolbar option will expedite getting more job interviews quicker. The ETP Network "Job Search 7 Steps"© was developed by Rod Colon, CEO & Founder of Empowering Today's Professionals (ETP) Network.
Read more . . .
Read more . . .
Expand Your Networking Sphere of Influence
Click here to Register Now for our upcoming
Career Management & Networking
workshop on March 26, 2009 in Charlotte, NC.
Career Management & Networking
workshop on March 26, 2009 in Charlotte, NC.
Wherever you live, work or play, other parts of the world are closer than you think. The Charlotte Networking Group (CNG) proves it. CNG membership is different than any local group you will join in the Charlotte, NC area. When you join the CNG you immediately become part of a much larger global network called Empowering Today's Professionals (ETP) Network. You don't become part of just the 1,100+ members of the ETP Network, you can potentially be connected to over 9 million people around the world. .
Click here to connect with CNG Leader Amanda Sherman. Your FREE CNG Membership allows you to be a networking leader as the central rainmaker of your network.
Below is a small example of your FREE CNG Membership sphere of influence, which can be leveraged by your family, friends and business associates.
Washington, D. C.
Los Angeles <------Your Family ---> China
Manila, Philippines <-- YOU ----> New York
Seattle, WA <---- Your Friends ---> New Jersey
Miami, FL
Manila, Philippines <-- YOU ----> New York
Seattle, WA <---- Your Friends ---> New Jersey
Miami, FL
career advice,
etp network,
find a job,
job opening,
job opportunity,
lay off,
pink slip,
resume tips
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