Rod Colon's Extreme Job Search 7-Step System

The Extreme Job Search System consists of four core components:

1.Networking (The Machinery) Make solid connection and build a warm, trusted network; then maintain it with care.

 2.CEO of ME, Inc. (The Mind-Set) Adopt the CEO of ME, Inc. mind-set to run your career as a business.

 3.Value Proposition (The Magnet) Design a powerful, compelling value proposition that leads to an interview every time.

 4.7-Step Job Search (The Methodology) Learn, master, then execute the Extreme Job Search Methodology.

Students of my system learn and absorb this system significantly shrink the time between the initial discovery of a suitable job description and the call for an interview.

To cite just one example of how this is accomplished, I teach individuals how to build a powerful case for their candidacy with bulletproof relevance and memorable impact.

I also train them to build value propositions that are so compelling that they practically require

decision-makers to keep an extra interview slot open; after all, how can they refuse to interview someone who meets the published requirements - "Like a Glove"?

In adopting this methodology for the job search, my students begin to view their role in the process as gradually shifting from an "employee mind-set" (i.e., dependence on traditional corporate hierarchies) to a "CEO of ME, Inc." mind-set (i.e., an independent business owner), complete with all necessary adjustments to develop a positive mental attitude and a continuous supply of mental toughness.

Best wishes and keep networking alive,

Rod Colón
Master Networker, Professional Development, Executive Coach, Speaker, Author
Weekly Co-Host of Radio Show "YOUR CAREER IS CALLING"

Rod Colón Consulting, LLC

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